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Table of Contents


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Practical Retinal


Stereo Atlas

Slit Lamp


Retina Blues

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Landmarks in the Development of Fluorescein Angiography
1 - Beginnings
4 - Colored Dyes and the Eye
5 - Fundus Photography Refined
9 - Fluorescein Angiography
10 - Resources

Chapter 2
Fundus Photography: Instrumentation & Technique

14 - Instrumentation
21 - Fundus Photography Technique: Step By Step
40 - Record Keeping Essentials
42 - Focusing The Fundus Camera: A Clinical Approach
57 - Errors in Fundus Photography: Artifacts
59 - Managing the Challenging Patient
70 - Advanced Techniques
82 - Pediatric Ultra-Wide Angle Imaging

Chapter 3
Stereo Fundus Photography: Principles & Technique
97 - Introduction
101 - Stereo Perception
105 - Instrumentation & Technique
118 - Assessing Stereo Images
121 - Viewing Stereo Images
135 - Future Stereo Imaging in Ophthalmology

Chapter 4
Fluorescein Sodium & Indocyanine Green: Uses & Side Effects

137 - Introduction
137 - Angiography as a Diagnostic Tool
140 - Dyes Used in Ocular Angiography

Chapter 5
Ocular Angiography: Instrumentation and Technique

167 - Introduction
169 - Instrumentation
172 - Fluorescein Angiography Procedure
179 - Troubleshooting
183 - Advanced Angiography Techniques
189 - Indocyanine Green Angiography

Chapter 6
The Ophthalmic Darkroom: Processing & Printing Fluorescein
199 - Introduction
200 - The Darkroom
218 - Processing the Negative
227 - The Positive Printout
238 - Advanced Printmaking Techniques

Chapter 7
Electronic Imaging of the Fundus: Principles & Technique

243 - Introduction
244 - History of Video and Digital Technology
249 - Cameras and Instrumentation: Technology Basics
272 - Using the Digital Imaging System
301 - Equipment Selection
306 - Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopes
318 - Summary and Perspective

Chapter 8
Ophthalmic Photography: Maximizing Diagnostic Information

323 - Introduction
329 - Color Fundus Photography
330 - Retinal and Choroidal Anatomy
333 - The Normal Fluorescein Angiogram
337 - The Abnormal Fluorescein Angiogram
341 - Indocyanine Green Angiography
344 - Reading Center Overview

Chapter 9
Fundus Photography: Descriptive Interpretation

359 - The Normal Fundus
361 - The Fundus: Normal Variations
362 - The Posterior Pole
363 - The Optic Disc
364 - Vascular Abnormalities
365 - Retinal Hemorrhages
366 - Retinal Potpourri
367 - The Surgical Fundus

369 - A. Useful Abbreviations
375 - B. Professional Societies
377 - C. List of Manufacturers

Contributing Authors

Rosario Bate C.R.A.
Ophthalmic Photographer, University of Ottawa Eye Institute, Ottawa, Ontario

Thomas M Clark B.S., C.R.A
Ophthalmic Photographer, University of California at San Diego, San Diego CA

Timothy J. Martin, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Surgical Sciences in Ophthalmology, Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Leslie D MacKeen B.Sc., O.A., C.R.A.
Ophthalmic Photographer, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario

Lawrence M. Merin, R.B.P., F.I.M.I., .FO.P.S.
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Vanderbilt Medical School, Director of Vanderbilt Ophthalmic Imaging Center, Nashville, TN

Paula F. Morris, C.R.A., F.O.P.S
Chief Photographer, John A. Moran Eye Center, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah

Michael Neider
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison WI

Patrick J. Saine, M.Ed, C.R.A., F.O.P.S.
Instructor - Ophthalmology, Dartmouth Medical School
Manager - Ophthalmic Photography, Section of Ophthalmology, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire

Stephen J. Sramek, M.D., Ph.D
Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Davis Duehr Dean at Dean Medical Center, Madison, Wisconsin

Marshall E. Tyler, C.R.A., F.O.P.S.
Instructor of Surgical Sciences in Ophthalmology, Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Ophthalmic Photography
Retinal Photography, Angiography, and Electronic Imaging
Hardcover 398 pages
ISBN 0-7506-7372-9
plus shipping